The results of analytical research on the topics "How to open your own business" and "Marketing and marketing planning" 27.09.2022

The Association of European Business, within the framework of the Creazone project, publishes the results of analytical studies on the topics "How to start your own business" and "Marketing and marketing planning".

Summing up the results of the CREAzone project 08.08.2022

The Association of European Business is completing the CREAzone project, within the framework of which, from January to May 2022, free online lectures were held to develop entrepreneurial and business skills among young people.

Recordings of online lectures of the CREAzone project are available on Youtube 04.08.2022

The Association of European Business thanks all the speakers and listeners of the CREAzone project for interesting online meetings and discussions. In order to make CREAzone materials and lectures available to other start-up entrepreneurs who were unable to join the online meetings, the Association publishes recordings of all events on its Youtube channel.

Online lectures for young entrepreneurs have started 06.02.2022

The Association of European Business has launched the Creazone project: on January 13, 2022, a course of free online lectures on developing entrepreneurial and business skills among young people has started.

Recruitment for online lectures on developing entrepreneurial and business skills in young people 04.01.2022

The Association of European Business announces the start of recruiting students for free online lectures on developing entrepreneurial and business skills for young people, which will be held from January to May 2022 as part of the Creazone project.

The start of the CREAzone project in Belarus 21.04.2020 Association of European Businesses launches a project Reducing unemployment – promoting entrepreneurship by combining business models and creativity into organic, young and promising business (Creativity and entrepreneurship) More