AEB is accepting applications for PPP projects
The Association of European Business received a proposal from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus to participate in the development of project proposals for promoting public-private partnership (PPP).
The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 06.07.2016 № 532 «On measures for implementing the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 30.12.2015 «On public-private partnership», is negotiating with the European Commission to raise funds for assistance in developing the legislative framework in public-private partnerships and evaluating new project proposals in this field.
We invite you to get acquainted with the proposal of the Ministry of Economy and send to the AEB project proposals for further consideration as potential projects of public-private partnership.
For any questions, please, contact Maria Karas, Legal Adviser of the AEB (, +375 29 678 0000).
The information should be sent no later than 22 August 2016.