Participants of the Plant Protection Products Committee Discussed the Barriers in the Market


The meeting of the Plant Protection Products Committee of the Association of European Business took place at the AEB office on November 15, 2017.

AEB member companies involved in plant protection products discussed the following current issues: 

- Tenders of plant protection products and the practice of the Decree No. 271

- Promoting the safety of pesticides and the use of proven products

- Introduction of anti-dumping duties

- "Parallel" import of plant protection products to the territory of the EAEU

- Introduction of the administrative procedure for licensing the wholesale trade of plant protection products after the expiration of the Decree No. 271.

Taking into account the discussion of these issues at the meeting, the companies participating in the committee will send their proposals on the development of plant protection products’ market in Belarus to the Association for the development of a unified consolidated position and preparation of an official appeal to the state authorities and administration.