Participation in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus
Deputy Chairman of the Association of European Businesses Maria Karas took part in the meeting of the PAC under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Within the framework of the meeting, the members of the Council considered the draft Guidelines for the formation of a database on business associations for the formation of public advisory (expert) councils for the development of entrepreneurship and councils for the development of entrepreneurship. Based on the results of consideration of the issue, it was pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the specified goal and the means established in the draft guidelines.
In order to stimulate the involvement of business associations and improve the efficiency of the PACs, it is necessary to amend the Model Regulations on the Public Advisory (Expert) Council for the Development of Entrepreneurship, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 20.03.2012 No. 247 in terms of improving the procedure for the formation of councils by eliminating the possibility of membership in them of representatives of single companies, thereby increasing the role of business associations, defining clear criteria for assigning the status of a member of the PAC, which will increase the transparency of the procedure and the creation of a mechanism for forming the composition of councils independent of the decision of a particular state body or official.
In order to increase the transparency of the procedure for expelling a member from the PAC, it is necessary to prescribe the procedure for its implementation, in particular, providing for a mandatory written notification of the organization on the grounds for its exclusion from the council, with a deadline for appealing this decision to the department under which the council was created and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic Belarus, as the supervising body of the OKS system.