The AEB sent proposals to Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy to improve the procedure for implementing procedure 3.9.2.
The Association of European Business sent proposals to the Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy on improving the procedure for implementing the administrative procedure 3.9.2. “Obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the construction facility being commissioned with permits and design documentation (in terms of environmental safety)” as part of the regulatory impact assessment conducted by the Institute.
It is proposed to expand the list of projects that fall under the definition of the term "technical modernization", enshrined in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 23, 2017 No. 7 "On the Development of Entrepreneurship", where it is not required to follow the requirements of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 6, 2011. No. 716 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for acceptance into operation of construction projects", including in terms of obtaining the conclusions of state supervision bodies.
Currently, when implementing projects for the modernization of facilities, for example, those related to air conditioning, local ventilation, thermal modernization, landscaping, etc. inside and outside buildings, business entities within the framework of the legislative requirements of procedure 3.9.2. must go through almost the same stages of project implementation as in new construction: obtain a permit for design and construction, develop project documentation, perform construction and installation work, and also carry out acceptance into operation of the construction site (including obtaining the conclusions of state supervision bodies).
Creating for a number of projects the conditions for their implementation, comparable to technical modernization, will allow eliminating some of the stages listed above, including obtaining opinions, while reducing the financial and time costs of business entities.