The Audit Company Baker Tilly Bel joined the Association of European Businesses


More and more companies join the Association of European Businesses! In December 2014, the audit company Baker Tilly Bel became our member. The company has been operating in Belarus since 2004. It is an independent member of the international audit and consulting network Baker Tilly International.

Member companies of Baker Tilly International are represented in 137 countries, employing 27,000 people in 738 offices around the world. According to the world ranking International Accounting Bulletin (IAB), Baker Tilly International ranks 8th in the world in terms of total revenue of all its independent companies.

Baker Tilly Bel provides a wide range of services in audit, transformation of financial statements to IFRS, corporate finance and tax consulting, and business process outsourcing.

According to the rating of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, in 2013 Baker Tilly Bel ranked 5th among audit firms in Belarus.