The AEB Prepares a Public Report on its Activities


The Association of European Businessesstarted preparing a public report on its activities in 2014. Following the example of the leading European associations and companies, we want to widely announce our mission and attract attention of the companies who share our goals. Public report is one of the tools to demonstrate transparency and openness of our non-profit organization.

Methodological support was provided by the external expert Victoria Kalosha. During the training with Ms. Kalosha, the team of the Association learned about the structure and purposes of a public report. The expert was invited thanks to the Fair-2014 of Exchangeof Organizational Development. We are expressing our gratitude for the support Exchange team provides to non-governmental organizations and encourage our colleagues and partners to attend the next Fair.

We hope that the public report of the Association of European Business will provide an opportunity for all interested parties to learn more about the goal of the AEB to promote and protect interests of European business in Belarus, as well as to improve the business environment in the country. The public report will be published on the website of the Association.