Partners of the AEB

The BSU International Relations Faculty

The International Relations Faculty has become one of the top educational and academic brands of the Republic of Belarus, and this status provides an excellent opportunity to choose students from the best Belarusian and foreign applicants. The high prestige of the Faculty is a result of immense creative work of its staff, which amounts to more than 250 people, including 12 Professors, about 60 Associate Professors and Candidates of Science. The Faculty has given rise to academic and methodological schools in all 8 majors and 17 specializations obtained here. Teaching is based on a new generation of educational standards and is adequately provided with up-to-date textbooks. A considerable part of the textbooks and manuals used in the teaching process have been authored by the Faculty teachers.

Phone: +375 17 209 59 77


Brest Local Regional Development Fund

The objective of the Fund is uniting funds and capabilities of interested individuals and legal entities, for the purpose of material, financial, advisory, organizational and technical support to the sustainable development of Brest region.

Phone: +375 (33) 902 00 04


Mulberry Club

MULBERRY CLUB is a modern unique educational VIP-club. The main directions of the club are English language training of adults and children in groups and individually, corporate English and French languages training of employees, additional education programs for children and adults, business programs, Russian as a foreign language, preparation for international language exams, as well as training, holidays in the UK and the US.

Phone: (017) 233-98-90


Council for Enterprise Development in the Republic of Belarus

The Council for Enterprise Development in the Republic of Belarus was established to make recommendations on the development and a comprehensive state support of economic entities of non-state forms of property for the purpose of economic restructuring, formating competitive relations and coordinating the activities of public associations of entrepreneurs. 


German-Belarusian Economic Club

The German-Belarusian economic club offers its residents a discussion platform which can be useful in solving many issues related to doing business in Belarus.

