AEB Participated in the Meeting of the Sectorial Council of Management Qualifications


Another meeting of the Sectorial Council of Management Qualifications took place on September 30, 2014. Yauhen Mardasevich, Head of GR with the Association of European Businesses, is a member of the Council and took part in the meeting.

The participants to the meeting reviewed thework functions and requirements for professional knowledge, skills and competences to develop the professional standard Managing the Company.

A working groupto develop the layout of the professional standard and prepare a draft of the professional standard for key professions and positions was formed at the meeting. Yauhen Mardasevich was elected as a member of the working group and will be among the professionals who draft the standard.

If you wish to participate in the development of professional standards or the work of the Council, please call us at (+375 17) 245 98 64 or email your suggestions to Yauhen Mardasevich at

On January 2014, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 34 On Some Issues of the Development of the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Belarus (with the Model Regulations on the Sectorial Qualifications Councils) entered into force. This Resolution approved by the national qualifications framework for pilot sectors of the economy and ​​the model regulations on the sectorial qualifications councils.

The Council was established as a coordinating and advisory body to ensure interaction between employers' and workers' associations, educational institutions and national government agencies, operating in a specific sector or professional activities area, other stakeholders interested in the development and approval of new elements of the national qualifications system – occupational standards, sectorial qualifications frameworks, model cards for professional development and career growth.